
Showing posts from June, 2019

Understanding Diabetes for a better treatment

Diabetes - Too much sweetness is, injurious to health! What is Diabetes? Before discovering Diabetes , lets first understand blood glucose(Sugar)and Insulin.  Glucose is a type of sugar that the human body gets from foods intake, and it is used by the body for energy. It travels through the bloodstream to the cells, therefore is called  blood  glucose  or  blood sugar .   Glucose act as a source of energy for the cells that make up muscles and tissues. It is also the main source of fuel for the brain. There is an organ located behind the stomach called the  pancreas . There are areas within pancreas called  islets of Langerhans  which are made up of cells called beta cells. Beta cells are responsible for the production of a hormone called Insulin .  Insulin is released from the pancreas into the bloodstream to reach different parts of the body. Insulin controls the use of carbohydrates (found in certain types of food) in the body. Carbohydrates are broken down by